October 16, 2008

Burn, Baby, Burn

Quite frankly, the big accomplishment thus far today has been registering this here blog on FeedBurner which has, in turn, allowed me to 'feed' the blog to our various social networking profiles. Speaking of which, if you're not already our friend on Facebook, MiGente &/or MySpace, whatcha waiting for?? More profiles to come in the very near future, but that's what we have as of today. Oh, and we also have a bunch of videos on YouTube, which you can view either there on YT or directly on Cinedulce.com (but, really now...wouldn't you rather go directly to the source and see what else is happenin' on Cinedulce??). In the promising news dept., it seems Verizon Wireless is def. interested in the fest. I don't yet know re:Cinedulce and VCast, but yesterday while I was at the conference I received a vm from the VZW's event agency. In the spirit of good vibrations, perhaps you should send a few text messages today...you know, just to make the mobile Gods happy?
Also, I'm excited to say this afternoon I'm taking off for my first yoga retreat. I'm just going for tomorrow and the weekend but I think it'll be great. So, hopefully on Monday, I'll be all zenned out. In the meantime, I won't be able to write anything tomorrow cuz, you know, it's pretty hard to type and downdog at the same time. I know this is upsetting to my legions of fans (aka my parents and Jamie), but I'll be back online on Monday. So, enjoy the weekend and wish me luck with Verizon Wireless!
~ Liz

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