September 24, 2009


I was invited by the folks at Globalhue, a major national multicultural agency, to participate in one of their Sobremesa panels, a series of panels about advertising, media and the multicultural marketplace. My panel, which was this afternoon, was titled, "Is Hispanic Advertising Stuck in the 20th Century?". It turned out to be a great event - just a really cool, fun, interesting discussion with a bunch of smart, creative, knowledgeable folks. Hopefully, I held my own, but either way, I was very flattered to participate and felt it was time well spent. Plus, there are several potential opportunities that may result from being there (hello post-panel networking!), so that's REALLY time well spent. ;-)

Earlier in the day, I had an encouraging conversation with a potential new staff member for the NYILFF. She seems fabulous and perfect for the position. Yes! There is still more to discuss and the decision is certainly not yet made, but I'm definitely looking forward to continued talks. It's just exciting to know there is a person who may fit the bill and my plan could, possibly, come together. Ommm...


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