September 29, 2008


My dad always told my brothers and me if you dread Monday AM's, you should rethink your job and, potentially, even your career path. That's one of his many "Herbisms", as I like to call them -- seemingly little life lessons that have a big impact when you really consider them. I took that particular Herbism to heart about a decade ago when I quit my job at an indie film studio and started a boutique entertainment marketing consulting firm, which, in turn, led me to my biz partner, the festival &, ultimately, Cinedulce. Who can predict these things, right? Trust me, if you had asked me in high school what I thought I'd be doing professionally, it definitely wouldn't be this. I mean, I'm from Long Island, for Pete's sake - what the hell did I know about Washington Heights? But, here I am, an honorary Latina with a deep love for my Latino peeps, community and culture. But, that's the beauty of life, right? The unpredictability. The discovery. The evolution. You just have to keep following your gut and your heart, let life's story unfold & believe it will all work out in the end. Despite the many challenges we're facing as entrepreneurs (esp. in this horrendeous economy), I have never loved a job as much as this, and I have never felt more strongly about an idea, a goal, a vision.

That said, on Friday, I had two great calls with potential NYILFF/Cinedulce sponsors AND a potential cable partner for VOD online and on-air. The cable deal likely wouldn't kick in until late 2009 or early 2010, but that would be killer - exactly the type of distribution deal we're seeking for our filmmakers and library. They need content; we have it...where do I sign? ;)

Okay, back to work. Remember to think about it: were you dreading this AM or looking forward to another week of adventures in jobville?


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